Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Labels - I hate them

No no no! Not labels in the cultural sense. I hate to sew labels on my quilts!

My cyberquilt mates and I were discussing our UFO completions and I said, I hate to sew labels on even more than I hate to sew binding on.

I surmised that it is a psychological thing about "ending" a quilt. With the label, you are finished. It is over. Your labor of love (or hate as in some quilts I have worked on) is over. And you just have to sew the label on it to be complete.

And the label is usually small. Not nearly equivalent to most other work on the quilt, just a tiny label, hidden on the back. A marker, as it were, for your final effort of ending the piece.

Maybe that is why I hate to sew labels on my quilts. They are over.

And then what do I do with them?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not sure if there is some deep physcological thing about it - but I hate to sew labels on my things too. I know I should but I just can't make myself do it. I'm not sure why (the finishing thing makes sense) but I thought I was the only one.


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