Tuesday, March 19, 2013

My Green Piece is a Leafy Green Peace Piece

I told Judy I needed to do my "green piece" for the fiber group.  And We both had the same idea at the same time, you should have seen those light bulbs lighting up, it was glaring!

I am not totally happy with it, but I actually did what I wanted to do.  It is OK, not great.

When you look closely at the dye pattern, you really do see leaves.  So my shape is a leaf.  And of course the color is green.  I didn't like how the pattern I loved so much in this piece, disappeared when the quilting went in.  Is there ever a time when you DON'T manipulate the fabric?

I need to finish the binding.  I think it accomplishes what I set out to do.  Not great art, but I made art and learned something.

I guess it is Leafy Green Peace!

And I love Sophie, she helped me solve the camera problem with the suggestion of a card reader.  It confirms the suspicion that the USB cord is bad because with the card reader circumventing the cord, the pictures literally FLY into the computer.  I am ticked that Sony won't replace the cord they want me to send the entire camera plus the cord to their repair facility.  That ain't gonna happen!


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