Thursday, July 31, 2014

Knee Update - Three Weeks

I am doing well, still uncomfortable as you can imagine.  But not in pain.  The nerve discombobulation from the cellulitis is still pretty strong.  I imagine it will be months before that goes away.

The knee is fickle.  It swells one day and relaxes the next. Today it is tight.  I continue with my physical therapist torturer, Zach, every other day now.  He is doing  great job with me.  He knows when to encourage and when to let me know I need to work harder.  And I so appreciate his expertise.

 I am grateful for the moments I can get into a comfortable position.  I have but few minutes of reprieve though, and must move again in the elusive hunt for nothing-ness.  And for showers.  I finally got in the shower on Monday, by myself.  It felt glorious to have the water wash me.

I m ready for this to be behind me.  I am so ready.


  1. I am soooo feeling for you. So sorry you are going through this. Sending healing vibes to ya, friend!!! Feel better. :)

  2. This really sucks but you are strong - you will prevail .


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