Sunday, August 10, 2014

Feeling Better

I am really feeling better and better.  I think this round of antibiotics is really doing the trick.  I just needed a longer course than I had originally.  It still bothers me, and it is still very much healing yet, but I am better.

Product_full_700x520-7ad4397449cdc6d31f36f84ebdf991a7a2b93c31My plan is to get into the sewing room this week and start clearing up some of the mess that has accumulated over the last 4 months of non-use, purchases just tossed in and general disarray.  No one can really work in there until I spend maybe a month or 3 weeks of clearing out and up.  Sign.........And I thought Charlene's room was bad, it pales in comparison to my own at this time!  LOL.

I have a friend coming over tomorrow afternoon for a sewing machine lesson.  She has the same machine as I use, the Singer Quantum Stylist, and has never used it.  She wants to learn some tricks and techniques.  I use it as my machine that travels.  It really is  great all around mid level machine.  I love it.  It comes to classes and on retreats with me all the time!


  1. Mine is now in two rooms! DD#4 is coming Monday to help transfer and clean the small room to the den. Then we will take the good from under the carport and put it in small room. Finally Tuesday and Wednesday we will take the stuff still in the den and place it where it goes. By Thursday, I should have a studio to sew in.

  2. Could your room really be that bad? I had to clean up a bit yesterday so I could use my big table to pin baste the Farm to Fabric pieces. I had to find a place for several WIP's when I realized I have too many WIP's and no place to keep them! I need to get some projects done and not start anything else!


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