Thursday, November 13, 2014

The Star Quilt Finally Finished

All it needed was the binding.  And it sat on the back of my sofa for so long.  In my defense, I could not really see so well to do the hand sewing. Of course I could not find a picture and it is already in the washing machine.  I will post a pic tomorrow for you!

It has been cold all day, and expected to go into the upper 30's tonight.  Perfect weather for throwing a quilt over my legs, making room for one, possibly two, basset hounds on the sofa where the quilt could also drape over their shivery bodies, and stitching up the binding.

You should have seen us, McGee by my side cuddled up as close as he could get and not be literally on TOP of me, and DiNozzo between my legs on the foot cushion.  The quilt was large enough to cover us all!

And another finish to claim on my OPAM group.  That makes 30 projects I have completed this year so far.  I have to add the Serenity Rocks! as well now, I just remembered that.

Carol told me it is up in her Etsy shop if you are interested.  I ws told that the link I provided in the last post was not working so here is the link to her blog

Quilted Fiber Art (click here)

And I suggest you go see her llama..............

1 comment:

  1. Oh! How I love to sit on the couch with my (now 3) dogs under a quilt doing hand sewing. One of the joys of living in the northeast.
    Hopefully you will post a pic today :-)
    Thank you for the mention of my pattern for sale although it's not on etsy (yet) it's on craftsy. Just search for QFA and you will find me. Not sure if you or your readers know this but etsy takes a percentage of the sale and Craftsy is very generous giving all the money of the pattern sale to the designer. Pay pal still takes their percentage but no getting around that. Just a heads up for people in case anyone wants to publish or buy downloadable patterns. I usually do put the pattern up on etsy as well but do charge an extra $.50 or so.

    Did you see Nina's quilters wish list yesterday? I think you could email it to Frank and Carrie from an anonymous Santa helper ;-)


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