Sunday, October 25, 2015

Stash Report and Some Dyeing Words

Lynne sent me some PFD cloth for the Dye Class with Wendy, so I have to count that.  But it immediately used in class. 

And Ann drug me kicking and screaming to Village Fabrics, which is closing, where I bought some stuff for 65% off.

At Village Fabrics I bought backing for the Saints quilt, which might get to them before their 10th Anniversary, and some basic black.

I also got some one sided fusible for some t-shirt quilts that Patty the Quilt Lady got me started on.  At 65% off, it was cheap.

And I got some silk rayon blend that will make nice dye fabric.  It is the color of muslin, but after 4 photos it still looked gold so I gave up.  after my Egypt printing experiment, maybe it will be some nice photo fabric.

I couldn't resist getting the black.  I need to check the settings on my camera, this fabric is a dark black mottled color.  Hmmmm.....

Speaking of t-shirt quilts, I did put together this one.  I got the idea from Cynthia, who was putting together a quilt for a client of hers.  It was of the backs of the t-shirts from another quilt.  Hers was a fun quilt with huge blocks of color.  In mine, I used the backs of some of the t-shirts I sent to Patty for her Louisiana quilt.  I found the Smiley Face fabric in my stash, but just enough for a few strips so this one will be a small playful version.

Today we are getting the rain bands from that Hurricane Patricia which crossed over Mexico and dumped on Texas.  The rain began yesterday afternoon and continued all night.  We do have adequate drainage systems to handle it, and we did need a lot of rain so we are happy to get it.

Monday note:  Official records say we got over 10 inches of rain yesterday and last night! the canal by my house was over topping the banks!

The dogs have been in and out and wet, in and out and wet, in and out and wet...full  of energy since I am not walking in the rain.  And even in the wet rainy hours, the squirrels still run back and forth over the roof all morning.  Frank was up in the attic working on the AC drain and said they are really loud up there!

Used this week -3.5 Used this month -18.5 Used this year -169
Bought this week 9.5 Bought this month 11 Bought this year 96.25
Plus or minus 6 Plus or minus -7.5 Plus or minus -72.75

And with the purchase of the new fabric, my numbers went way off kilter.  I may not make my goal of the 100 yard deficit this year...... we shall have to see.


  1. Love your hand dyes!
    I also have trouble getting true colors in pictures when it rains. I'm sure there is some scientific light rule that covers it. I just know my pics look like crap when it rains.

  2. But 65% off! How could you not go? And save all that money. Is New Orleans still with the poor drainage sewer system that floods the streets at the drop of a few inches of rain? Back in the late 70's I lived there for a short time and remember driving thru the streets full of water

  3. 10" of rain and 11 yards of fabric - oh my! We are suppose to start getting the remnants of Patricia sometime late this afternoon or tonight. I just can't imagine getting 10" of rain in one day!


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