Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Miserable Week All Around and a Stash Report 11-1-15

Ahhhh!  A new month!  I get to start at 0's again!  LOL.

Poor little Hugeaux is doing well after eating all that Halloween chocolate.  Bad bad grand dog.  And
we had Halloween on Saturday moved up to Halloween on Friday because yesterday we had some tornadoes and over 4 inches of rain over the afternoon and night.  I was skeptical about the change but they were right to do it, the weather really was that bad.

I got some things done this week, not much but a few.

I worked on another set of T-Shirt Back blocks for a boy's quilt.  And I got the Raffle quilt for the Swissy Rescue Foundation off to Pat in Florida.  That was just a matter of finishing sewing the binding and mailing it off.

I grabbed some UFO blocks leftover from a dog quilt I made 5 years ago and made them into a small duffel bag for the CAAWS Raffle in December.

I also put together the 9 large blocks for the quilt Paula is donating for the church fair.  I sashed the blocks, put on two borders and will bring it to her to quilt tomorrow.  I previously made 3 (maybe 4) of the large blocks.  Paula and some others made the rest of the blocks.  Although it looks so dark here, the borders and binding are of a wonderful pine needle print that matches the color ranges of the greens inside the quilt blocks.  So that is 1 1/2 yards to declare.

Here is my whine for the week.  I am working on the Egyptian Pyramid and Sphinx piece for the Fiber Group.  I get stuck because I don't really have the creative talent to take it to the next level.  I can put the photos on, and do the backing, but the WOW creativity part is where I am lacking.  I just don't have that.  I have the  idea in my mind, but it rarely translates to the fabric. 

I have also been working on the quad-tych from this small group of friends.  I have trashed this one twice now.  And the current incarnation may not make it far.  See what I mean?  I really need to stick to quilt type stuff........aughhhh!  Must be the weather, nothing seems to be feeling right this week.

I am working on binding the Skele-Biker.  Got that half done, you can see where i started and stopped last night.  At least I can do binding well........

Used this week -3.58 Used this month -3.5 Used this year -172.5
Bought this week 0 Bought this month 0 Bought this year 96.25
Plus or minus -3.58 Plus or minus -3.5 Plus or minus -76.25


  1. wait! I missed it! Hugeau ate chocolate ??? oh wow, so glad he is ok......... I was thinking last night I hope no one's dog ate chocolate......... poor baby. I'm sure the emergency vet has been busy this week with pets eating stuff they should not.......

  2. Do I need to visit with Go again?

  3. I occasionally slip Cotton a taste of chocolate (barely a taste) and have wondered how much is too much and what happens when a dog gets too much. I got my answer on your earlier post, so no more wondering or chocolate. Although a sliver from my piece is not enough to make him sick, I also don't want to tempt him with the taste or smell. (It could be too late, but I can try.)
    I like that duffle bag. And making it from UFO blocks, so much the better!


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