Wednesday, September 7, 2016


We have made some progress.  Forward, rather than backwards.

There seems to be a quilt meeting scheduled for Saturday, one that I will not attend.  A loud voice in the group always wants to give the majority of money raised within the guild from dues and internal raffles, lottos and gift tables to external charitable non-quilt related organizations.  I have always felt that the purpose of a guild is to benefit members first by activities like teachers, classes, activities designed to bring people together.  This guild does little of that.  And when something is scheduled it is most often cancelled.

If this is the way the guild chooses to go once again, I don't want to be part of the group.  I put so many hours in to CAAWS, that charity options are not what I am after.  Not only that, there is an entire 501c3 quilt guild that was formed for the express and singular purpose of charity work through fabric and quilts.  If you want to be devoted to charity through quilts, go there.  Leave my guild experience alone!

Whew!  Glad I got that off my chest!

McGee finally figured out how to escape.  He got out of the dog enclosure and he came to the back door and scratched to come in.  That was so lucky because that means he was out in the open for multiple minutes, with the opportunity to disappear.  There is little hope we would have found him in this maze of trash, smells, dangerous stuff on the ground that will cut paws and rotting food everywhere.  So that is another level of supervision that will be needed for him.  Sigh....

So when I put him in the camper to get the dog food, he ate the kleenex box.  Sigh....

I started wiping down the furniture pieces we saved.  So many nooks and crannies.  Sigh.....

The construction crew has been here all day putting insulation and sheetrock on the outside walls and the interior walls in the dining room, two bedrooms and hallway.  It is starting to look like a house again and not just a space.  But it has a long way to go yet.  Sigh.....

I was so thrilled that I bought the guys lunch!

and tonight we have a meeting with the contractor and Carrie.  We need to get an estimate from him and make the final determination that he will actually be the one doing the work. 

State Farm came back with the valuation of our cars.  Mine was higher than I expected and Frank's was lower, so I guess it evened out.  But now, I can move on getting my own wheels.  Most likely a Pilot, but I need to sit and think about what exactly we want or need now that we have the unexpected addition of the truck.  Sigh.....

Nothing is easy.   I had it all planned out.  I had a house, and a plan for a new Honda Pilot and we had a trip to Newfoundland and Peggy's Cove to visit my Canadian buddy Valerie and the Springy Things.  We were going to drink whiskey and play with dogs. Sigh......

Drink whiskey and dogs.  What could be better than that?


  1. so happy to see some progress! I think you should have a shot of whiskey to celebrate.
    Totally agree with you on the guild thing. If people want to do charity stuff they can make donation quilts. Lots of orgs can use them. But giving the dues etc? No way

  2. I agree with you about the guild and giving so much to charity. Good to hear you finally going to get some wheels! Not knowing the surroundings, I had no idea there are so many dangers for a dog gone rouge. Glad McGee stayed at home and didn't wander off. When I had work done on my house before I moved in I took the workers to dinner. We were all dirty from working all day, but they were working hard under not so nice circumstances and I was so happy with the progress. Filling a contractors belly goes a long way in more ways than one!

  3. In all of this, there is progress . . .

  4. Glad to see that things are looking up for you -progress forward each day now. I totally agree with you about the function of a guild -it should be there for the benefit of the members. Ours here in New Zealand has recently approved doubling the subsidies for attending classes. We have been sitting on quite a lot of money which will now be used to help more people attend these classes.

  5. I come every day too see how you are doing. It's such a raw nerve still after all this time, but I just can't stay away. Hugs from Iowa.

  6. Our local guild is the exact same way, and it caused me so much stress til I dropped out. I got tired of always being asked for more, more money, more time, more donations, more fundraising for other groups. Enough. I dropped out and it feels okay. Whew! Good to know someone else feels like this too. I thought I was just joining an interest group!

  7. We will do that we you finally get here...until then, I'll drink enough for us both and tell the springy things the belly rubs are from you!

    Wish I was close enough to help out...or at least pour your drinks.
    So glad to know you're plugging sister asked about you the other day. She's been following along too.

    You are loved... xox


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