Monday, November 27, 2017

The Compulsive List Maker

I told PattyA that I was great at meeting goals.  I really am.  In fact lists are even  better.  I love making lists.  I am that person who makes lists of her lists!

I generally have a spiral notebook of college ruled lines containing pages and pages and pages of lists of things I need to do.  I think it is more to help contain the scattered nature of my mind.  If I am going to get anything accomplished I need to have that list of things to do.

I have tried to keep those lists on the phone or on my iPad but I always fall back to my pen and paper notebooks.  Which is funny because I make beautiful notebook covers and look at my notebook:

I guess I need to add to my list:  Make a notebook cover for my notebook of lists!

And I will till you this secret........I love crossing things off lists.  So if I do something that is not on my list, I will add it later just so I can cross it off!
Not his best look.....

I am off to make my list for today and my list for the week.

Must Do:

1.  I have the Cox Cable Guy coming tomorrow.  Every morning at around 3 AM my cable suddenly becomes unable to connect with the server boxes and my internet is running stunningly slow for the last month.  I finally got tired of doing the 3 AM Modem Reset and called them, yep, 3 AM.  And they answered!

2.  There is a Maker's Market at the Club this Wednesday.  I have not been to it before but it sounds like something i may want to join in on next year.  Maybe I will make notebook covers.

3.  I have an appt with the spine doc on Thursday.  They keep calling me and moving it further out.  I wonder whether I will make it this time?

We had coffee around the patio fire
4.  Grocery - I need fruit.  I  have lost about 16 lbs in the last month with these meals, but I go through fruit like there is no tomorrow.  I don't get hungry, but I still have the intense desire to eat.  So I am diverting to fruit rather than snacks, cheetos, crackers and peanut butter,

 Want To Do:

1.  Make an Countdown Calendar to Christmas for the kid.  I saw where one of the Cool Julies (Click here)  made one for her grandson and I have been thinking about that ever since.  I broached the subject with Carrie and she seems amenable.  

2.  Set up OMG - goals for the December.  I  am  assuming that it will still happen in December, that Patty won't take a break and want to rest up from all this goal completing.

3.  Get a couple of quilt tops quilted and a couple of quilted tops bound.

4.  Doorways piece for Fiber Group.

5.  Set up a dinner party with some friends before Christmas.  Now I am into the entertaining mode!  Wanna come?


  1. I am a list maker too and I have been know to add something to my list just so I can cross it off too! LOL!!!

  2. It is perfectly acceptable to add a task to an existing list. Completing a do-list is a job. Some people have two jobs and call their second one a side hustle. That task you added? That was your side hustle to the existing job list!! See? Perfectly acceptable! :o)

  3. I'm with you on the crossing off part. I do that at work with sticky notes. Have Tham all over with to do'so and the satisfaction of ripping that sucker off its perch and throwing it away is the best.


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