Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Two Hurricanes

I saw a meme yesterday that said New Orleans was mad about the state wide bar closing so they were offering 2 for 1 Hurricanes!  

I wish they would stop that!  

Marco came and is now out of the picture, but Laura is a monster.  We are in Baton Rouge an hour west of New Orleans and 3 hours east of Lake Charles.  Rita devastated the Lake Charles area 15 yrs ago, the same yr Katrina hit New Orleans.

My anxiety is thru the roof, and the storm will wobble and change back and forth at the last minute.  It is the nature of the beast.  

I hope the people in Laura’s path heed warnings and leave.  While i know how it is devastating to lose your house and possessions, it would be far worse to lose your life. My thoughts are with those in the path.  

DONATE:  And when you donate to help these people, please donate to local organizations.  Places like the HSUS and ASPCA are businesses who make huge profits for a few people.  Only 1% of your donations may actually go to


  1. I truly dislike donating to national charities because they pay a lot of overhead. When my mother was in the throes of dementia one very well respected charity sent her bills for her pledges that she never made. I can't remember the sum she paid but my sister notified them that she hadn't pledged in over a year and they threatened to take my mother to court because a volunteer had said she pledged a considerable amount. Bottom line it was a lie. I saw how they handled that and said no more. Legal fees would have been more than the money that my mom had been said to have pledged. The pledge was thousands of dollars according to the.

  2. I remember your flood, my granddaughter is in Houston Texas so I worry about it going there

  3. I have been thinking about you since the first forecasts of these back to back hurricanes. How much rain have you received so far? I have my fingers crossed that the storm misses you.

  4. Thinking about you today! Prayers and love sent your way!

  5. I have thought of you often as I watch the national cover of Laura. I hope you are OK.

  6. Hope you are safe! Just getting into reading my blog reader!!!

  7. How are you doing? Prayers were said and thoughts full of what is going on over there. I hope things are getting cleaned up quickly in your are.

  8. Just thinking about you. Hope all is well and you are dry. Hope the puppies are good. Iowa is dry, the derecho went south of me!


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