Wednesday, September 23, 2020


I got the flu shot two weeks ago. And the first shingrex shot yesterday. The flu shot had me aching all over for three days. The shingles shot just made  my arm have a quarter sized red spot.  

I was chuckling because Patty the Quilt Lady said her thumb hurt for days after she got her vax!  Mine was fine. 

So I’m good and getting it done!  


  1. Gosh I need to get mine yet...

  2. Good for you to get caught up. I am doing the same thing.

    The company I work for is having someone come in on October 29 for free flu shots. I usually never get one, but this year Dr. Fauci has convinced me that I need to get on this year. I am glad your thumb didn't hurt. I sure hope when I get my follow up shingles vax in November that my arm doesn't hurt which then traveled to my thumb.

  3. I forgot to say I really like the quilt! Did you just make that one?


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