
Friday, November 6, 2020

Seeing Eye Basset


I got woken up this morning at 7 AM by a voice saying 
“This is your call!”
Got the cornea transplant surgery scheduled for next Wednesday 
Nov 11, 2020

Now it gets real!!

My surgery packet is all filled out, physical is scheduled for Monday.
I spent the day with Carrie and the Baby.  Got to feed and change a poopy diaper and got spit up on.  
The true Grandma Experience! 


  1. So happy for you! Will say a prayer or two!

  2. WOW...keeping you in my thoughts!!!! Take care...I hear this is a very successful surgery!!! Yea for you!

  3. Wishing you all the best for a successful surgery so you can get back to seeing good.


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