Sunday, June 2, 2013

A Quick Invitation and a Stash Report

Stash report is not great, but still in the red.  So that is a desirable thing.  I bought a kit at Bright Hopes Quilt Shop in Mandeville because I fell in love with the greys.  Gorgeous.  So that is the increase.  Now that the tile is complete and the eye is better I can get to work on clearing out my studio junk and getting space to work again.

used this week 0
Used June 0
added this week 4
added June 4
used YTD -52.83
added YTD 38
stash reduction -14.83

The invitation is to join me in the 365 Days of Creativity based upon the 365 Journal of Creativity by Noah Scalin.  Make something every day and change your life.  He says, sometimes you won't make it perfect the first time, or maybe the fifteenth time.  But you will have more incredible art quality work than you dreamed possible by nudging that creative energy. within you.

Only rule is that there are no rules.  He gives suggestions for each day, such as:  Talk a 5 minute walk and stop.  Look for something to make art with from the vicinity of where you are.

Now who would think of that?

He has a blog that showcases hundreds of people who have used the journal to create for months and months.  They talk about how it has indeed changed their lives.

The journal is on Amazon from $1.47 to $13.00 which is cheap for a year of creativitity that will make you soar as an artist.

Me, and a few friends are going to come together and encourage each other on this path.  Come join us.  If you don't want to work daily, that is no problem.  But I am sure you will want to!  Grab that journal and join us on a creative wild ride!



  1. Hope you can get back to stitching soon. Your report doesn't look so bad, you still have more out than in.

  2. I'm thinking about the 365 day challenge. Last night I downloaded the intro (Kindle version) for free from Amazon. I'm not sure if the theme idea that popped into my head last night would sustain me for 365 days ... because I am such a dabbler. I'm resisting a little, too, because my creative juices and productivity seem to be flowing. But ... I wanted to let you know that I still keep considering it (and also that others in the same boat might want to download the freebie from amazon and take a peek.)


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