There was too many choices for my mom. We got out of there an hour and a half later. On to Carrie's to visit with Grand-dog Hugeaux. He was glad to see his grandma and his great-grandma and walked with us to the new construction down the block. We only go in the empty ones as the workers don't need to be disturbed, and we don't understand Mexican anyway!
And then Mom and I went to the grocery store whereupon I realized MY list was a home. So we got a few things for her and after I dropped her off I went home and got my list. By the time I got home again, it was after 1:30 PM. What a loss of a day nearly.
But I did find flaxseed and some of the weird mushrooms I wanted. My tomatoes are ripening nicely and we can have feta and mushrooms and tomato on tilapia for dinner soon, real soon!
Being as I am banned (by Frank) from talking politics with our Friday Night Dining Friends I must find a game for us to play this week. Jason, my nephew - well, my cousin really) is supposed to be coming in this weekend from Albuquerque with his family. How exciting. We need to head out to Pimonyoli's and impress them with our wonderful BBQ restaurant find.
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