Dan, Amber, Carrie, Valerie, Frank and I met at the Louisiana State Capitol Building for a fabulous bike ride though downtown. The sky offered a cloudless 63 degrees, perfect biking weather. No one
was hurt in the making of these pictures, although some were shaken up a bit.
The ride started
at the State Capitol Building, which really is a pretty building.
Then we rode into the Downtown area past the Old State Capitol Building. Dan told us that the building burned down in 1863 and was rebuilt to house governmental affairs. Currently it is where you go when you get jury duty, which is where both Dan I and were in the last month.
Then we rode on the Mississippi River levee a bit. Carrie took a bad tumble from her bike but like a good trip historian I took pictures before I had to ask her if she was ok. She was, just lost a good bit of skin to the cement roadway.
She opted to head back to the truck and home to take care of her wounds.
We rode past the Capitol Lakes after we made sure she was safely off.
Then we rode to the Capitol Lakes and saw a lot of wildlife. Nutria, herons, lots of ducks and some lovers who were trying to hide from someone (not sure they were supposed to be together, you know.)
And we ended up eating at Coyote Blues stuffing ourselves with nachos, tamales, tacos and tea
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