I had a skeleton on my design wall but I gave it to my daughter on Saturday and forgot to take any pictures of it. I do have the same old thing on my design wall, snowflakes. But I am quilting a watermelon quilt...........hey, it was a very busy week and I needed some computer game play time!
I am totally NOT a football fan, but we fell into the clutches of the local color reporter yesterday on our bike ride. So after we had ridden about10 miles in 90 degree temps she takes pictures of us and plasters them all over TV with an interview about the LSU FLorida football game. All I did was nod! I was scared to say anything worrying I would look like an idiot knowing nothing about football! Geez! Check out my last post.

On my design wall. That orange-ish square is for a second quilt, it does not go to this one. I just wanted to see what the orange one was going to look like. I need to finish them both to show at next guild meeting. This is our mystery quilt I have been leading all year.
glen, much to do today -- busy busy busy!
Look forward to seeing both of your quilts. That was funny about the interview.
ReplyDeleteWhat is going on - I leave for a few days and you enter stardom and celebrityhood without me. THEN you slack off on the design wall - what happened to the drive to be the first to post that had you up at 2:30 a.m. or so?
ReplyDeleteI am afraid, dear friend, that all this attention has gone to your head. AND you ONLY won 50% of your tickets - you are in serious trouble here. I think this calls for an intervention (of a serious nature).
Hugs - Marie
Love the mystery quilt you are working on with the guild. Fossil ferns are still my favorite fabrics.