Frank drove me to the KSQG show this afternoon. There were several bridges we had to pass over to get there. Judy would never have made it! We didn't have to cross that red one, it was a fabulous rail road bridge. Don't you love it! Every time I see a bridge now, I think of Judy!
What a good hubby he is. But he was rewarded by several people who knew him there!
One was an old and dear friend Jan and her momma Arlene. They lived one street behind us growing up and then again across the street from us when we moved to Hammond. We were such good friends. And all those years I never knew either one of them quilted until we ran into each other at the Pontchatoula Show. Jan runs that show each year. Amazing. I turned around and just saw her there calling my name!
Their guild show is really nice. A lot of quilts for sale and a large number of raffle items were available Had I know that ahead of time I would have come gunning for bear! They had many mystery quilts hanging that were really nice. It may be a good one to use at River City one year. No matter what fabrics were in each one, it was pretty.
glen: thanks Charlene, for having me to tea today! LOL
I was so glad to view your face. It was like meeting an old friend for the first time. I am glad you liked the was nice. Your number was pulled after you left! I would have liked a picture too. Next time! Or in August!