Do you want to know how safe your eatery is?
This is the link to the Louisiana Public Health Records for Restaurant Inspectors. It was finally made public on Monday, Louisiana was one of the last remaining 9 states to not publish these records for use by the general public. We have a strong restaurant lobby here I suppose. Louisiana, is...after
What a better way to keep your eating establishments honest?
It took me a while to find this site. Click on the link above. Then read the Acknowledgement and click that you agree. The page that follows is the place you can key in the name of your restaurant. Or you can click on Advanced and just key in your zip code and get a list of all the restaurants in your area.
But make sure you understand what you are reading. There are Critical and Non-Critical Violations. The head inspector guy said that most violations are cleared up before the inspector leaves because they are very simple. Like a towel dropped on the floor would be a violation of not using a proper laundry bag. Even though it would have been a violation for a food handler to reach down to get it from the floor unless he thoroughly washed his hands after he touched it. See?
I thought it was interesting to look through the various restaurants we frequent and see how they are doing. makes me feel a bit better! Almost all of them had no violations.
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