I trimmed the ellies tonight. I sucked it up and just whacked them but good. See the dog from my class with Judy Holley up in the left top corner? He is sitting and watching me! Waiting for me to make him some friends!
I went to see Stelly bowl in the International Bowling Tournament today. We had never been to one before and I wanted to see Charlene and Stelly. But the whole place was amazing! The Bowling Tourney people bring the entire bowling alley right to your town and set it up in your civic center! Just like that! Here is a photo of the entire 56 or 58 lanes there. Stelly bowled on #1 so we were at the far end of the center. (It used to be called the Centroplex but now they call it something else. The New Orleans evacuees from Katrina stayed there and tore up the place so they did a major remodel that finished last year.) It will always be the Centroplex to me though. Whatever you call it, it was just amazing to see the transformation.
I had a whole post here but the blog-s-sphere ate it so I am redoing it.
Here are Charlene and I cutting up. And normal. (yeah, right) See my new sexy blouse? With the lace cut out sleeves! Yes.
Here is Stelly bowling. It was so wonderful to watch him do what he loves. Wait, wait, wait......till he turns around..........(but he does have a cute butt!)
Here is the handsome guy! He is so so sweet, I love him!
I should be heading to Lafayette tomorrow for a class with Sue Nickels. But I got a call from the nursing home saying I could meet with the doctor before his rounds tomorrow. I am sure it is about the darned feeding tube. They keep asking me and I keep saying no. So I will do so again. Kenny should be here saying no too, but you know how that is.
Anyway, I shall be there.
And Tuesday I have a sew day with the Traveling Quilter Woman. She is returned from her journey to the East to vast and exotic quilt stores. I can't wait to see her treasures!
Stelly says thanks for the compliment but if you had told him that at the bowling lanes maybe he would have bowled better. LOL