Here is the Photo A Day "green". I bought two of the huge cabbages, two of the Russian Kale and one alfalfa sprout box. That was a total of, ummmm, $11. Not bad since I can cook those cabbages down into many many many many one cup servings. And the kale will go into the Albondigas Soup I am planning on tonight. And salads, too.
To put into some sort of perspective about the size of these cabbages, here is one stacked up against a large Milkbone. When I looked around the kitchen to see something that would be uniform in size everywhere, I hit upon the Milkbone first off! You can tell where my head always is!
Here is the total haul. And I know you are thinking that those are oranges. But they are not. They are Meyer Lemons. Unbelievable lemons. All of those were $5. How can the citrus guys many any money on that? Every two weeks I go and purchase a $5 bag of these lemons and then I go to Walmart even and see where the lemons are 54 cents each! And tiny tiny tiny.
Stuck in there amongst the lemons are some turnips I scored for $2. They are good sized ones at that. Some farmers had the tiny ones but I like these guys. When I roast they they won't shrivel up and disappear.
I need a nice recipe for lemon marmalade or lemon preserves.
glen: so that makes my total, um........$21......not too shabby for freshly picked yesterday!
How incredibly wonderful to have all this fresh picked local produce this time of year. Love those lemons! I saw some Meyer lemons at our local produce place, and they were the size of large olives.