Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Maylee's Top is Finished!!!!

And on my Birthday Eve!!  I had the picture but had to leave for my fiber group meeting.   Yep, and tomorrow (actually today if you are reading this on Thursday morning) is my birthday.  That means people must be nice to me and take me to dinner, and give me presents!  LOL!

Of course people must take me to dinner on my Birthday Eve as well!  So before the Fiber Group meeting Franklin took me to get California BLTs and the best onion rings in the city!

Here is the first border on my nice clean kitchen floor.

And here is the finished top!

I thought you might like to see my very messy design wall, what in my room is not messy, I ask you?

At my fiber group, we showed our work on the hibiscus, remember my guy?  And worked through a roadblock Judy had on one of her pieces.  It was an ephemeral piece of a cypress tree in the swamp.  I didn't take a photo of it, I wanted to.

The next project is to take a book title and interpret it.  First Renee thought that we should do a New York Times Best Seller list book, then someone said, Fifty Shades of Grey.  And that went straight to our evil side!  So I looked up some stuff, and got an education..........

This will be interesting!


  1. Great quilt! Love the colors and the design - very happy! And happy happy birthday to you! It is a very special day... Jan. 17 is my oldest son's 28th birthday. I don't know how he got older, I sure didn't- LOL! Hope your day is delightful!

  2. Happy 29th birthday!!! Again......l

  3. Well,I got the present part down pat just don't know how I'm going to get it to you today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  4. Happy, happy birthday! Have a fantastic day.

  5. Happy Birthday! Congratulations on getting the quilt top done! Your room isn't messy - it is lived and worked in!

  6. Love the book title idea! How a out the Scarlett letter?


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