Sunday, March 17, 2013

One Lousy Week For Quilting

My father was born on St. Patty's Day and suffered through a million green cakes when I was growing up.  He never complained though.  It was one of the few nice things he did for me.  But to this day I can't thing of St. Patrick's Day without thinking of all those green cakes!

used this week -1.25
Used March -1.25
added this week 10.75
added March 10.75
used YTD -39.5
added YTD 19.25
stash reduction -20.25

I can tell you that I had so much to do this week, I got nothing done.  Ever been like that?

The only thing I got done is this little bamboo bonsai for Judy of Mike and Mo Designs.  I need to do thread painting on it tomorrow.  and add the back.

I purchased those 3 fabrics for the second Mystery Quilt,  The delicious green houses and orange polka dots that just begged to come home with me.

And I ordered blueprint fabrics for the most expensive quilt pattern ever made.  But that has not yet arrived.  Thank goodness.  Maybe I will actually get something done next week before it comes in.

I just can't seem to get that much ahead!  The hurried-er I go, the behind-er I get!


  1. I, for one, cannot wait to see the fabrics you ordered for you WAY expensive quilt pattern!! :)
    Actually, I am anxious to see you start working on that pattern.

  2. I love the green houses fabric. I totally understand about being behind-er.

  3. I am right there with you. Way behind-er.


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