Still need to finish that tiny corner of the back of the Halloween quilt. Aughhhhh!
Still need to work on the purse front for the nude to reside upon. Aughhhhh!
What are you working on this weekend?
I have a dog thing at 11 and I have to run to Sam's to return a shirt and pick up some walnuts. We always have a big bag of them around. Walnuts are a snack that have fats that don't go to your body fat and helps you use the fat you have. Isn't that a nice thing. And because they have protein they fill you up with just 1/2 cup! But don't eat too many of them.
Here is what Wikipedia says about them: A study has suggested that consumption of walnuts increases fat oxidation and reduces carbohydrate oxidation without affecting total consumption, suggesting that walnut consumption may improve the use of body fat in overweight adults. Walnuts have been shown to decrease theendothelial dysfunction associated with a high-fat meal. Aged rats fed diets containing 2% to 6% walnuts showed reversal of age-associated motor and cognitive function, but a 9% walnut diet impaired performance,
I'm hoping to finish the cotton robin quilt at my house this weekend. The last border is fidgety paper piecing ... i like how it looks so far, but I have only finished about half the blocks I need ...
ReplyDelete... and I think I need to go buy walnuts, now. I've been including a lot more seeds and nuts in my diet and it seems to be having a positive effect. This morning's oatmeal had sunflower seeds (for a nice crunch), flax seeds (healthy, plus they make me chew my food more thoroughly) and, for some sweetness, dried cranberries. Sometimes, I end up added so much seeds and nuts and fruit that I have more added "stuff" than oatmeal in my bowl.