I was supposed to make a block for that person who was ahead of me.
Didn't know that.
So she had no block going around. Oh, my! All my fault. So this weekend I will make it up and make her the best block ever.
I still don't understand how it works, for some reason this is totally escaping my ready for surgery mind. Did I say I was so ready? yes, I am.
My friend who had both her knees replaced for a SECOND time (yes second time on each one) about 8 months ago, hugged me twice in 15 minutes. She was nearly in tears when she left me tonight.
Now that was strange.
I am still so ready. And I need to make a block. After I do a tour for a new event coordinator for CAAWS, get groceries for july 4th BBQ Frank promised carrie and andrew at their being built house while they work doing something the builders supposedly screwed up, make the CAAWS Deposit and get the dogs to the toe clipping place.
All with my elegant walker!
Maybe that's another reason I don't do swaps -- fear of screwing up as well as pressure of time. My friend just had a complete knee replacement last week. Off to visit her today.