Monday, July 21, 2014

Gold stars for getting my lunch by myself

For those of you who thought I might've died you you may have been pretty close. But I didn't, I made it. So here I am at a week and a half and the cellulitis is 90 percent gone. Not totally but about 90%. I still can't stand to have the sheet touch the skin on that leg.

There definitely is a difference between surgery pain and nerve pain. The nerve pain is by far worse. Surgery pain pretty much happens only during physical therapy. And the torture guy who comes every day make sure that I feel that pain.

I haven't ventured outside yet with the exception of sitting in the backyard in the sun. But I might try that this week.  Dairy Queen may be beckoning.

My leg hurts "normally" now.  Except for the nerve pain when I have a sheet or pants touching the skin still.  Odd, but pain driven still.

I have one more physical therapy session tonight with Frank before I can sleep. And my leg is still sore from the one this afternoon with Zack. This is the tedious part of recovery.  I still can't straighten my leg out when I walk yet but hopefully that will come in this next week when the swelling continues to go down.

Today Frank went to work. I was self-sufficient for 4 1/2 hours for the first time in two weeks. That means I got up and went to the bathroom by myself. I got my lunch into the microwave by myself. I let the dogs in and out. I let the nurse come in. And I got my own refill for my water.  It felt like I was two years old and had gotten a gold star for doing well!!!!!!


  1. I am so glad to hear the cellulitis is almost gone. You should get a gold star for getting your lunch! I know when I was home alone for all those weeks recovering I would debate with myself whether it was worth the effort to get up just to fix some lunch or dinner. Sometimes I would just have to force myself to do a little laundry, take a shower, or cook. I would go for a walk everyday just to get the blood moving and that was exhausting enough!

    Keep up the good work and take care!

  2. Yes, you did have a gold star day! Great news to read ...

  3. So glad you had a better day.... baby steps baby steps... great news.. jo in Oklahoma

  4. Yay!! Great news! I hope it keeps getting better. :)


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