Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Cold Dead Thermostat in the Vineyard

Well, for 30 years it has endured the onslaught of Frank's shoulders and elbows as he walked down the hallway.  He keeps running into it.

I know, it sticks out from the wall at eye level, oh, maybe an inch and a half.  But I can't coount the number of times he has knocked it from the wall. 

Up until last night, it always went back together.

My daughter, Carrie (who will be 30 years old this Monday) grew up in this house.  We moved here like la month beffore she was born.

Over the years we did a lot of fun projects together. I always tried to encourage her artistic bent.  So when she was maybe 10 r 12, we painted the hallway and added the grapevine. 

She did the stencils and stamps and designed where the viines would travel up and down a wall, over  doorway, or in this case, the thermostat.

I love my hallway!  It is one of the special places in my house that I always think of her.

Right now, Frank is among the vines, wondering why the box said it would only take 15 minutes to install..........

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