Now my shower is waterproof and ready to receive tiles. I can't be more excited!

It took moving the electrical outlets waiting installation, some screwdrivers and a couple of Christmas presents, but the box of rainbow colors came to me.
Yes! Julie!

Some bad news.
Remember little Roo? She was the 4 lb pup we saved from the kill shelter. She needed surgery to close up blood vessels that was pumping more than twice the amount of blood to her heart. The surgery was a success and she was doing so well.
Last night she went into cardiac failure. The ER vet stabilized her but she died during the night. Her foster is heartbroken.
We were not able to help her live her life, but we were able to give her a loving foster who held her close and made her happy for a while.
What a great thing we do.
Goodnight little Roo.
Sorry to hear she passed.
ReplyDeleteRIP little Roo! So sad - God bless all the foster parents they are true 👼
ReplyDeleteSorry about Roo. We are going through a tough time in our family. My daughter who only has dogs - no children in her and her husband's future lost her 15 year old rescue lab mix Christmas eve eve. When we talked today she just burst into tears over the loss. She admitted that she is suffering and her anxiety medication and her rescue meds aren't working. I really think she loves her dogs more than most people love their children. Thankfully Roo had someone like my daughter to care for her even though it was very briefly.
ReplyDeleteI think you should find somewhere in your house to write something - a curse, a vent, a blessing, maybe even a prayer - somewhere it will be covered up by a cabinet, or a shower tile - write it, take a deep breath, and then let it go.... but you will always know it is there - and just maybe, one day, 50 years from now, someone will take down a cabinet, and find it !
ReplyDeleteSending hugs for Roo and happy dancing that the box of colors are being enjoyed! (I guess that makes me Sneaky Doodle)
ReplyDeletePoor little Roo. So sorry to hear of her passing.
ReplyDeleteBring on the tile! Your chiminea is so nice!
I read your blog every day, wish I could help but know you'll are having a tough time. Hope it's warmer there than here. we are getting snow and sleet