Saturday, April 15, 2017

The Easter Bunny Has Tables In His Baskets

I have been looking for those C-Frame tables.  I wanted them to be large enough to fit a computer on while we watched TV.  I hemmed and hawed and was afraid to order any of them without seeing them in person.

So out with the box and in with the new tables!

And I can use the computer in the chair..

 Or on the sofa.

While we were at Pier 1 choosing tables, I espyed these beauties.  Hydrangeas!

And they work perfectly.

Yesterday I had my first dinner party in the "new" house.

The dogs were  well behaved even.  


  1. oh, and I liked the cardboard box SO much !

    that's one cute dog in the bed.....

    party ! yahoo

  2. Those tables will come in so handy!

  3. A dinner party? That sounds awful fancy. Around here, we just eat supper.


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