Thursday, February 22, 2018

Making a Face

Remember that book I showed you the other day?  Making Faces by Melissa Averinos.  A friend from the Fiber Group took a class with her making cat faces at QuiltCon last year.  She loved her and the technique.

I sat down last night and played with drawing faces.  Now, you know I am creative in many many ways, but I can't draw worth a lick.  So  I opened my mind and leapt into the first pages of the book.

She suggested a before and after face drawing.  So I made several "before" faces.

As I went through the techniques for drawing a face I added each element
and read her tips and instructions.  And the "after" face emerged.

I was impressed.

If she can make me into a halfway decent face drawer, I would say she can help someone who has a talent for drawing as well.

Here is my before and after faces.

For sure, not perfect, but Melissa emphasized that much practice is needed.  And this was just y first one.

The rest of the book deals with translating the images to an art piece using fabrics.  I can see a lot of really strong potential for another series of art pieces.

And what do you know.  We took the wagon and the baby and went to the zoo.  I was glad to have the wagon at my house rather than having to drive somewhere else to pick it up every time.  We will be using it to bring him a lot of fun places!  I had a meeting with some Zoo PR people and needed to do some photos.  And yes, I remembered to bring my camera.  Yay!

But I left the photo clip home.  Really?  The day was overcast anyway so the pics were not all that great.

Sawyer was really more interested in the fencing materials than the animals.  C'est la vie!

He loves animals.  He is already working on training the  bassets, now he is checking out the sheep!  

Because of impending rain, and sleepiness, we headed home with one tired baby!


  1. Love watching babies at zoos. Looks like a fun time was had by all.

  2. And as grandma and grandpa tired too! HA Just making memories!!!

  3. Frank is such a good grampa! What do the French New Orleans crowd call grand dad's? Glad you are trying drawing faces. You are doing really well and will.only get better with practice .

  4. Looks like a fun day at the zoo!


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