Friday, August 31, 2018

What happened?

I had am uplifting and inspiring post ready to go and when I pushed PUBLISH the computer and internet ate it.

So here is a less than inspiring post with some great pictures.

I was personally inspired to rust some fabric by (click here)Carol of Quilted Fabric Art......I always want to say Quilted Fiber Art because I think of her as a great fiber artist.

So I pulled the first one out of the vinegar package last night.

Here is the second one I did.  You can see the sawblade I used for the overall color and I poked nails through the fabric.  I think the sawblade sort of overwhelmed the whole piece, but I am not complaining AT ALL!!!!!

The rust always thins a bit with the stopping process then the wash with Dawn process.  And then it lightens as it dries.  So you can begin to really see the nail marks on the wet piece I have hung out to dry.  

Suzette of Swooze's Quilts And Tall Tales (yes, she is actually one of the few women taller than me!)  inspired, or rather GUILTED me into finishing some of the 20 quilts I had in the To Be Quilted pile before I strated any new ones.  So here is the tribute I am paying to her, a quilting finish.  
This is from oh, 10 years at least.  The doilies are from Frank's mother, she was a prolific doily maker.  And this quilt will go to our Nephew Shannon's daughter.  His father Gene was Frank's brother who died when he was 49.  

She needs a bit of her Great Grandmother's stuff.  This will be exciting for her to have.


  1. Love the rust effects you got! Fantastic!

  2. I agree the rust is great. Will you turn it into a whole cloth quilt?

  3. Congrats on the finish -- what a wonderful gift to share.

  4. great quilt for her. I used blocks made by Tommy's mother to make his girls quilts

  5. Oh, that rust fabric is awesome!
    Isn't it great to finish an old project? And such a pretty one at that! I'm curious about whether you stitched the doilies on the open end. They seem to have a 3D effect in the pictures.


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