Saturday, December 15, 2018

Candace the Therapy Dog and A Bit of Good Fortune

My house looked like this December, a year ago in 2017.  This fairly rare snowfall lasted all day long.  Here in Baton Rouge we have snow about every 6 or 8 years.

The Basset Boyz were totally amazed at the white stuff.

Today the beaver was in my next door neighbor's yard munching down on some acorns.  The tree there is a huge oak.  I odd to have a beaver rambling around here.  We are used to opossums and rabbits and armadillos.

At the hospice today, Rodney's son Chad brought Candace Marie, his Certified Therapy Dog.  Chad and Candy work with Autistic kids.  She is able to calm them.

He brought her here to visit his dad, who is struggling to breathe since he is in what they call Transition.  I didn't read the book they gave Diane, but I imagine they mean between life and death.

I did have about an hour or so this morning to work on The Good Fortune Mystery quilt.  I chose the oranges, and then stripped them.
I made about half of the needed pieces.  Since Bonnie requested about 3 times the amount of orange I used, I am thinking that there will be another use for the color.  

I will spend some time tomorrow at Hospice with Diane and Rodney again.  I am hoping for peace and calm.  We spoke today of letting go.  That is the tough part.


  1. Candace looks as though she is quite successful at calming people. Good luck as you continue Good Fortune!

  2. Interesting that Candace Marie worked with kids with autism - I can see where that would be a HUGE help. Need to investigate further for our adult son with high functioning autism (formerly known as Asperger's).

  3. My FIL spent his transition at home. One of his daughter's took over his care. I don't think anyone else in the family could have done it. She is his youngest daughter and Terry's other sis has cancer herself. I can tell you it took a long time for her to get over the fact that she was the person dispensing his medication. The rest of the family saw a peaceful passing. I won't say here how she felt. My thoughts about Hospice are beyond words. Those involved are a true blessing.

    Love those oranges. I bought some oranges on sale yesterday at JoAnn getting prepared for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge. I am calling the yardage I bought Wannabe Scraps. After all, I have been a lover of orange all my life and IMHO you can never have enough orange or variations there of.
    Wishing you Peace
    xx, Carol

  4. Idle hands are the devils workshop..don't know who said or wrote that but you'll never be in the devil's workshop!


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