Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Good Fortune Mystery Quilt

I have made a million of these four patches.  Augh!  I made my allotment and then I made 88 for Charlene to get her started.  I also made 20 more than I needed because I know I couldn't have made them all correctly.

Ya know?

There is a lot of detritus when you make this many four patches that need trimming to the correct size.

 This was the Floor Supervisor making sure I didn't take too many breaks.  Can't be slacking, can we?  Got deadlines to meet.

Next clue came out on Friday last.  So we are already behind production.

 Every one will tell you there are no Quilt Police.  But there really is.  Here is one lady looking over the stack of four patches. She has a very critical eye and passed on an evaluation to the Production Manager.

The Production Manager stood by for a while and watched me work on some strips.  I got called to the office because it seems my quarter inch is not so perfect.

He had the following video as proof.

That aside, here are my two favorite four patches.  Everyone has favorites, right?  


  1. Those little figurines are so cute and add to your story about making these quilt pieces and parts.

  2. Bah Hum Bug! You are having a blast. Quilt Police had better watch out.

  3. As for your scant 1/4" seam, keep your left and right hand on strips as you sew. When you get to end, use left to finish. Another of Bonnie's tips. I'll get you to be a fan yet!

  4. Oh that Charlene is surely your best supervisor. I didn't hear ANY of those little people cheering you on or offering tips! On to the next clue.
    xx, Carol

  5. I love the way you are sharing this mystery -- so funny. Gee, I wonder WHY those two are your faves? LOL (and the little people figures are great)

  6. Well I am so Impressed that you have done so many, so the Floor Supervisor, Quilt Police and Production Manager can all go jump in a lake.

  7. Too funny. Congrats on doing the MQ. Your squares look great. The MQ bug was trying to bite me but I had to 🔪 🐜.


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