Thursday, January 17, 2019

Freddy Mercury Lives!

As part of my Birthday Eve Celebration yesterday, in addition to the Springy Thing card and Angela Walters rulers,

I was also treated to a movie and a huge bucket of popcorn.

Poipcorn for dinner!

I have been dying to see Bohemian Rhapsody.  Frank always had something else to do, I am not really sure he wanted to see it since he really has never liked metal rock.  So he agreed to go today.

Amazing...……...just amazing!  The movie is amazing!
Although it would have been really really really hard for me to choose which one to vote for!

Frank had tears in his eyes, it was that powerful.  I had this HUGE drink and I had to pee so badly, but I couldn't leave my seat!  The minute the credits came up I threw my coat to Frank and raced to the bathroom!  Whew!


  1. I've wanted to see this movie ever since I first saw the trailer. I didn't think it would be this moving though. Now I'm really curious! It was Richard's birthday Wednesday, so maybe I'll surprise him this weekend. No popcorn for supper though. The nearest theater is in the casino and the restaurants are great, so I'll drag him there first. lol

  2. I had read different reviews about this movie and wasn't sure, but now that it has the Glenda stamp of approval I will have to see it.


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