Friday, January 18, 2019

HTTPS format change

I made the HTTPS change to make my blog safer and less prone to outsider strikes.

You may need to change the address you find my blog on to

I simply added an s to my address direction.

Go to Fret Not Yourself to read about the info and reason why you may want to consider doing the change.


  1. I don't know when I did it but my address is https. I think it was one of the questions blogger asked when I set up my blog and having worked with sensitive info on computers, I just did it. I know I didn't have to look it up, but don't know much other than that.

  2. Well, we learn something new every day don't we! Thanks for the 'heads up'...I have known about the https...but didn't think our blogs could change. I just went in my settings and set it to 'yes'! Thanks!

  3. I'm glad you updated this. I'm getting fewer suspicious links since I cleared all the old http references out of my blog.

  4. Ann shared a great post, didn't she!


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