Tuesday, March 12, 2019

And Now For Something Completely Different

changing direction once again.  Hope I don’t give you whiplash!

I had really hoped to be able to do at least one Modern Quilt a Month this year, but so far I just have the Zuni Quilt half complete. And it is the end of March-ish.

At least it is close and will just have straight line quilting.  Isn’t Modern beautiful in that respect?

I need to start working on some art quilts and get them out of the way.  I have 3 shows upcoming.

First is the earth day.  Got that started but not solid.  Still  working out the kinks.

I have two shows due in May, one the Journey show I already have made.  I just need to figure out how to hang the darn thing.   The other is the poetry of nature show at the Arboretum and I’m not sure what I am doing for it,  I don’t have any idea.

Ah, well.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate right now. I assume you are feeling better.


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