Saturday, October 12, 2019

Pt Defiance Zoo

We grabbed nephew Shannon, Tina and kids and headed out to the Pt Defiance Zoo in Tacoma WA.

The kids were funny, bright, loving creatures.  Malachi with his cowboy hat, was hysterical.

Caitlynne was all girl, creating opportunities for me to take her photo and holding my hand just to be close. 

Shannon and Tina have raised two amazing fun kids.  

They both fell asleep in the back of the behemoth on the way home.  Which is just what I wanted to do too!
Oh, and I found a great new idea for a quilt!


  1. Hope the visit continues to be fun. Take care of the eye ad don't run out of press and seal!

  2. Always fun to play 'Grandma'...and you know you'll always sleep well at night when the day is done!!! Just creating more memories!

  3. I know these aren't your grands but it's still the same role you play with nephews/nieces/grands! HA

  4. Everyone loves a trip to the zoo! Hope you find lots of fun things to do during your visit.
    xx, Carol


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