Thursday, November 28, 2019

Eye Update

Saw eye specialist again yesterday. Hole in cornea is filled in but surface is uneven with scars. Continue with that bandage contact. Glasses will make no difference but the bandage contact lens smooths the surface a bit.

Albeit more prone to infection. Trade off. Won’t see him again for 6 weeks!  And off antiviral!  No active shingles for a month now!

He said I have surpassed where he thought would be. Which is way better than him saying, you are not healing like I thought you would!


  1. Happy Thanksgiving - especially with this kind of news to be thankful for.

  2. Well, this is the good news and the bad news isn't it. I hope there is massive improvement when you go back.
    xx, Carol

  3. Such great news! Are you able to get the Shingrix now? And indeed being better off is a plus and the eye bandage improves your vision so just keep the area clean and continue to do what the doctor says to do!

  4. Sure hope you get all over these 'issues' in 2019 so you're home free in 2020!! happy belated Thanksgiving!!!

  5. You are moving in the right direction! Slowly but surely.


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