Tuesday, February 4, 2020

CAAWS Mystic Krewe of Mutts Rolls

Feb 9, 2020 Sunday.


downtown Baton Rouge on North Boulevard and the River.

Theme is Fairy Tails.....dress up, come register to walk.  Your donations support our amazing Spay/ Neuter Programs in the community.  Our volunteers receive no money, we do it all for the love of these dogs and cats we rescue and fix.

This is our 21st year rolling the streets, Bark In The Park has dog and cat items for sale from so many vendors as well as animal rescue and adoption orgs from across the area.  This is the one place you can final all the groups working together to make lives better!

Come support Rescue, Adoptions and Spay/Neuter in our community!


  1. Hope the parade is spectacular and many dogs are helped. My younger daughter's latest rescue is finally confident enough that he belongs to her that he can go to dog parks and play. It took a full year and a little bit but he isn't afraid of being left again. He was abandoned twice. He had very bad manners but is coming around.

  2. I'm sure it was great and hope you raised lots of money for CAAWS!


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