Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Day 7 Porch Quilt Show

As predictions for rain share the news with COVID 19 today, I had to become resourceful and find a way to still hang the quilt and keep it as dry as I could.  I figured I could attach it to the shutters on the windows!  And it worked!

This quilt was an odd one.  I purchased it at a Quilt Fair in a bag as pieces just cut out. There was some order to it, but I had no idea what it was supposed to be.  Luckily the person had cut with amazing precision.

I tried several layouts and settled on this one, somewhere between wild and random. This gave it some sense of order.

This is one of my favorites because of the deep jewel colors and the rhythm that flows as you look at the quilt.

I think it was completed around 2007,maybe

We are well, hope you stay the same.  Ahh, here’s the rain now! I hope it washes all the virus away!  Or at least the pollen, which is killing me right now.


  1. Love the quilt! Another day of quarantine down and you made people happy.

  2. This is really a great quilt!!!! Cool!


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