Thursday, June 11, 2020

For Data Integrity, Don't Talk to the Workers

I always make a photobook of every vacation.  But the thing is to do it quickly after you return from the trip.  I failed to make several books, mostly in the years since the Flood in 2016.  I guess it was like the quilting, I had no heart for any of that stuff.

So I am trying to catch up on the travel books.  And it is not all that easy.  You forget, your trip notes get lost, or worse yet, eaten by McGee.  You really need to do this when the info is fresh in your mind!

I am working on the Seattle Trip we took in October 2019 to visit Shannon, Tina and the kids Malachi and Caitlynne.  About 2/3 done with it.  The company I had used for years went out of business so I am having to learn a more difficult one MixBook.  Not all that difficult, mind you, but different from what I am used to and liked a lot.  MixBook does offer a lot of options, more than Snapfish and Shutterfly.  so you make
do with what you think will work best, right?

In 2017 we traveled to Halifax and visited Val Levy and Len.  We traveled all around the Nova Scotia area for 10 days.  And the pictures were unbelievable!  That is the one that will be next.

So I have been working on them for the last two weeks, putting them onto pages and writing copy for each part of the journey.

As my father would say, Hey, it keeps me out of bars, right?


  1. We have loads of books from vacations. Maybe today we should share a virtual vacation. Happy to hear you are having fun!

  2. It will be nice to relive those vacations as you make your books. I assume they are electronic and not an actual physical book?


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