Saturday, June 20, 2020

Summer Solstice and Stonehenge photos

Nothing new here, unfortunately.  Diana came over and cleared out my scrap bin for masks.  She's made over 500 of them now!

I wanted to wish you a happy Summer Solstice and hope that the rest of the 2020 fiasco is better than the first half.

I can't imagine anything getting worse.  Well, wait, yes I can...……………….

These are photos from our trip to Iceland and Scotland.  We spent the last day touring the English countryside.

Stonehenge is massively beautiful.  


  1. My cousin and her daughter are now over 5000 masks made. They have made masks for high school graduations. Military out of country who couldn't get masks. Doctors, nurses, EMTs, Firemen, policemen and other healthcare professionals.I donated fabric to make about 250. She sells others to raise money. I spent about $250 for fabric the elastic works out to about forty cents per so they figure the ones they sell for $5 each are almost paying for 2 of the donation masks. A sewing machine was donated when one of theirs broke. About $2000 in cash and 50 yards of fabric. They are keeping records and will be claiming donations versus the ones sold.

  2. Those pictures are wonderful! Yes, lets hope the second half of 2020 is calmer. 500 masks is a lot! I have made around 460 so far. It is fun to see people at work wearing the ones I made.

  3. I almost feel guilty when I hear about how many masks people have made. How does anyone make more than say 50 and not DIE of boredom?
    I so want to see Stonehenge. Well, I'd love to live in Europe for a year. Maybe two.


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