Thursday, March 17, 2016

Zen Lady Is Really A Spanish Lady

Hey, things change!

You never know where your quilt will go when you are working on an improvisational art piece. If you have even worked on one, you know exactly what I mean.

often, what  is in your mind's eye is not what the finished art piece looks like at all.   While you are working on it, it is a malleable flowing entity, sometimes with a mind of its own.

This is what I started with

this was where it was going in the design stages.  I kept trying to get that vintage piece in there.  But it just wasn't falling into place.

I got it to this point.  The problem was the piece I really liked was a dark dark navy.  I didn't notice that until I got it to a strong light.  I sometimes have a problem seeing darks; my father was color blind and I probably have some of the dark end spectrum rods and cones missing.  Who knows.

The other one looks like tiles and I love it, but it just didn't look as good as the blue one.

So I texted my friends Carol (Quilted Fabric Art) and Leeanna (Not Afraid of Color) and they helped me work out the thought process.

And of course I was working the last minute thing, since I needed to be at my Fiber Group by 6:30.......

So this is what i brought to them.

They loved it.

thanks, ladies, you guided me to the right choice.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't friends just wonderful? I love when I can refer to a friend knowing that I'll get an honest, straightforward answer! So here's one for you, Spanish Zen Lady looks pretty cool and thanks for posting the pictures showing your process.


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