Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas

Getting ready to celebrate another Christmas and a New Year. Changes are in the making, some good some not so good. But as it stands, even those making the big changes are healthy if not happy.

Change can be rough even though it is good for you. In verse 55 of the Tao Te Ching Lao Tse says that to know harmony is to know the changeless, which is to have insight. THings in harmony with the Tao remain, while things that are forced may grow for a while then wither away; they will cease to be.

What comes to my mind is the line of that movie that says, let it go, if it comes back to you it is yours. Thos relationships that are held together by no one wanting to leave the other will never become perfect. By forcing friendship it will fail.

And the same can be said for the pieces of the quilting block that are not properly sized. If a seam is too large the piece becomse too small to fit. When you try to force it, it is unforgiving, you will get a ripple in the quilt top. The ripple causes problems later when quilting it. It is best to remake the piece, or rip the seam and remake it to fit.

I have been in places where I just don't fit in. It is uncomfortable to be the new person in the guild meeting, the one without all the knowledge and the history of the group. When someone makes the effort to speak to me or introduce me around, it really helps. So, cognizant of that, I sometimes try to make sure the new person is introduced to the group. I konw the ladies are nice and we all have d0ne good work and bad, but the new person does not know that, everyone looks so intimidating from that vantage point.

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