Thursday, September 23, 2010

Funeral and then back to quilting

Lots of his family there. Ruthie was not happy I didn't bring my mom. And Stan's brother kept going to Frank and saying that he didn't understand why she wasn't there.

My brother came with his daughter and wife, cousin Karen, and Andrew and Carrie and Frank and I-----so that was a good representation of her side.

Stan's grandsons were his pall bearers. They all wore those white fishing boots, it was a good tribute to a man who hunted and fished for a living.

Oh, I forgot to tell you this. I wish I would have had a camera with me.  But on the way back from the funeral Carrie and Andrew and Frank and I stopped and ate that fabulous thin fried catfish at Middendorf’s (a total necessity if you are nearby). Then Frank and I drove down Hwy 51 along side the interstate rather than on the interstate to look at the new Wildlife Management Area they set up into the swamp.

And when we pulled up into the parking lot—-what did we see? A huge fine rooster and 4 chickens and about 15 baby chicks! He was dark irridescent brown with green longer tail feathers and a bright comb. I didn’t get a good look at the hens. They scattered too quickly.
We were shocked, out there in the middle of god forsaken nowhere swamp! And you know there are aligators and mink and snakes of all kinds out there too. But they are making it.

And the first thing I thought of was “Judy  at Patchwork Place would LOVE this!”



  1. It's what you and Frank feel that is important; the rest you don't have to worry about. If they can't understand about the fragility of your Mom's condition, they aren't worth worrying about.

    Wish I would have seen the rooster - I agree how could they even survive in the swamp?

    Hugs - Marie

  2. Protecting your mom from hurting was the most important thing. Sometimes we have to be the villain to people who don't know and don't need to know all the facts about a situation. I bet that rooster was proud and well, he should be! Keeping his harem alive in the swamp is quite a feat.


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