Monday, November 15, 2010

Battery re-charged and ready

Just got back from the hospital, so that was a not so busy morning.  But I did get some hand work done while I waited.

Here is the photo of the quilt on the design wall with the white sashing started on just over 1/3 so far.

 Until just now I didn't realize my little donkey has only one ear!  The poor little guy must be half deaf......
 And here are my completed pieces from this morning.  There are 2 table runners and a tote bag with martini glasses from the Key West fabrics!



  1. Wild blocks, finished table runner and Martini bag - wow, you sure fit different & nice things into your day! And a one-eared donkey... Happy sewing!

  2. Wow... you've really got going!!! Love the new blocks on white, they've got a really 3D look to them, like looking through little windows!


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