Sunday, October 9, 2011

Parfait dyeing - first time attempt

I have been waiting for the opportunity to present itself to do some parfait dyeing.  I used Procyon dyes and didn't measure at all!  I made some mistakes which I corrected but the first layer was too watery and too much so that did affect the entire batch as you will see.  The foam you see is soap bubbles.  Don't you like my dyeing jar?  $2.99 at Purple Cow! 

Oh, this felt so good to be dyeing again!

I used the colors that are closest to primary as I could find.  So when they blended they blended on their own to be interesting.  I love the red violet color and would replicate that if I could. 
I prepared the cloth as usual but forgot to wet it, so I had to scramble with the other layers.  The first layer was blue.  I just squished the cloth in there.  Then I put the next layer in and poured the yellow dye in.  Then the third layer was a piece of Super Muslin strip that was only about 9 inches long.  It was in one of the baskets from the auction so I figured it was expendable.  I should have cut it in half and put in between the blue and yellow as well. 

Then the fourth layer was a material that obviously was a poly blend because it refused to even entertain the dye.  So I moved one piece further down in the bottom and put the second piece of it in last just to see what it would do.  Nothing much as it turned out so I tossed them.  I guess I should dig them out and take pictures.

The fifth layer was squished in and the red was poured in on top. 

After 24 hours I rinsed and dried the pieces and here they are. 

Cool.  I will let these grow on me for a few days and like someone recently said, there is always the glorious overdye!

We rode for 7.0 miles today, a short ride because Amber's brother was coming to town for business and they wanted to meet him at the house early afternoon.  We lunched at Big Boy, Dan's hair and Big Boy's hair looked the same. Both are cute as can be!
We encountered wildlife on this ride, a couple of snakes, lots of Canadian Geese and a couple of those mean white geese that attack you on sight just because you are there.  We couldn't get through the tunnel, they have now locked it up but we could ride around the preserve.  So here are some shots from the area.  There's Frank after his encounter with the snake.  He knew he was going to roll over it, so he just lifted his legs up, squeezed his eyes tight shut and went for it!

If that would have been me, I would have needed an ambulance as I would have for sure had a heart attack.  I get the willies just thinking about it again.

I hope to have a design wall for tomorrow. 


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