And a lively meeting it was! Most of the time was taken up by the newsletter we are getting out.
As you probably know by now, the man tossing the puppy was caught. Not sure what his disposition is now but I will be heading downtown for his court date when I am served by the constables. That will be three people I am following in court now; all cruelty cases.
No sewing done, sorry. And problaby none done today. More on that later.

I have a hair appt this morning with Theresa, nails with Suri and have to pick up the Grand-Dog for the weekend. They are traveling to Austin to be with Carrie's good friend from Design School.
Oh, Carrie opened her own busiess now, Space. She has a client she is doing a remodel of her interior of the house. Specifically the kitchen and the living areas. She will take residential only because her real job does the commmercial stuff. She redesigns the interior structures of buildings for them.
She is NOT an INTERIOR DECORATOR! She does walls, traffic flow, lighting, pysical interaction, and materials rather than sofas and curtains! She is like an architect and works for an architectural firm.
I have big plans for the weekend........later!
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