Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Triangles, Triangles, Triangles

My class with Lynn Roddy Brown was fabulous!  She taught a wonderful new (to me anyway) method of making triangles that made  them so simply perfect.  And if you know me, I am like Charlene says, a good enough quilter.  (Charlene says that about herself and she is anything else than just "good enough"!!!)

We were asked to bring in any dark and any light fabrics.  We made our HSTs and put them on a wall.  To show her wonderful talent with Scrappy Quilts she played with them!  Again and again!

She had a trunk show of the quilts in the book.  They are even more impressive in person!  And Lynn is so funny.  She is a wonderful, patient and witty teacher.  The time passed so quickly in this class.

This is one of the quilts.  The fabrics are so random and odd but they sure do make a really nice quilt.

The other thing I took away from this class was Lynn's method of choosing fabrics for her scrappy quilts.  She is a powerful force in scrap quilts, and you just need to buy any one of her books to see that she knows what she is doing.

I have the two earlier books from her last trip to Baton Rouge a couple of years ago.  I loved her then and now even more.

If you get a chance to see her in person, do so.


  1. Thank you for the compliment. But I believe that perfect piecing is not me! You are not a "good enough" quilter or piecer. Quilting should never be stressful!

  2. The quilts are great! Sounds like it was a fun class. I will have to see if I can find one of Lynn's books.


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