Thursday, August 2, 2012

Norton Dumping Court Update

Julie and I were in Judge Johnson's courtroom again this morning for the parole re-hearing for Jean Norton in the Animal Dumping case with CAAWS.

Last month we provided pictures of animals still on her property, still in horrible conditions.  She claimed her granddaughter was caring for the animals, not her.  And she stated that the horse in the picture was 35 years old and had since been euthanized due to old age illnesses and that is why it was in the shape it appeared in the picture.

However, we had recent pictures of the same white horse on her property still in poor condition.  Her laywer stated there were 8 horses on the property and they had not been able to remove them.  Further, Norton herself was not caring for them, but a granddaughter was.

Judge asked the granddaughter to step forward.  Judge ordered that the animals were to be removed from her property by no longer than 60 days.

In addition to the horses, there are also dogs, cats, goats and cows.  And the original court decree back in February was that they were to have no animals on the property.

We have another hearing for the daughter Beverly Greenwood next month.

It appears they are still in the animal business, and Mississippi has not done more than slap her on the wrist with summons and fines and orders from misdemeanor levels.  The MS Animal Control Officer and the trooper who served the summons are very upset by what they saw.  Animal bones not buried, emaciated animals.

It is a mystery to me why we can't get MS officers here to testify to that fact.  I guess I don't understand the law very well.


1 comment:

  1. First thank you for trying to help these poor animals. What is wrong with people!!!
    This kind of thing really ticks me off! What about the SPCA or PETA , I'm sure you have thought of them, can they do something? This must frustrate you to no end:-(


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