Hence, food sayings.
And I want to include some words, since after this Paint Chip Challenge I will certainly be the Queen of Words on Quilts.
Ok, here are some of mine.......as you can see, I have been thinking hard on this subject and have committed it to my little book.
Cool as a cucumber
Piece of Cake
cake walk
carrot top
cut the mustard
easy as pie
As the cookie crumbles
apple a day
hot as a chili pepper
egg on my face
slow as molasses
cool beans
kiss my grits
nutty as a fruitcake
in a jam
in a pickle
skinny as a string bean
icing on the cake
say cheese!
cake walk
cherry on top
meat head
tall drink of water
So, can you think of more? Did I miss any cool food sayings?
I have several other ideas that I want to incorporate words into. I have a great idea for a dog quilt. But that will wait for another day.
She's a hot tomato
ReplyDeletetwo peas in a pod
full of beans
skinny as a green bean
apple of my eye
a chicken in every pot
humble pie
what a wienie
just peachy
slow as molassas
egg on my face
kiss my grits
cool beans
She was an old Prune face
Don't be a chicken
she knows what side her bread is buttered on
who cut the cheese
the icing on the cake
I'll make mincemeat out of you
proof is in the pudding
American as apple pie
fudge on a bet
Oh nuts
life is a bowl of cherries
cream of the crop
don't cherry pick
that's a fine kettle of fish..
we've got champagne taste and a beer pocketbook
I know there are tons more! What a fun quilt you will have!
When pigs fly
ReplyDeleteDon't be a wise apple (my grandmother used to say this)
dumb as a turnip
A woman without a man is like a fish without a bicycle.
These may be a stretch, but all I can think of at the moment.